Our Environment

Our Environment

At SLR Pharma, we conduct our activities in a responsible manner and are fully committed to achieving excellence in our policies for environment, health and safety.

We believe that we owe it to future generations to safeguard our environment, both marine and on land. Our operations meet or exceed stringent environmental regulations in all the markets we operate in. Our ability to control our own supply chain helps us minimise our environmental footprint, reduce emissions and guard against pollution.

We are committed to protecting the environment and health of our employees. We are also committed to safe and accident free operations in all our facilities and safe guard our neighbors. Our efforts are directed towards modifying processes to reduce effluents.


We comply with all laws, regulations, and other requirements as applicable to our operations.


We ensure safe working environment for our employees, contractors, visitors, and other stake holders.


We work in accordance with energy conservation, recovery, recycling, reuse, and reduction of waste in order to minimize hazards and risks.


We encourage our employees and contractors to report all incidents including near misses and correct any unsafe acts by taking appropriate CAPA in a time-bound program.


We provide adequate resources for effective and continual improvement in the EHS management system and aim to boost its performance.


We adopt best practices in EHS management system through effective communication and provide necessary training to all employees and contractors.